"I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose."

"Oh, Mister Spock, you do have one saving grace after all. You're ill-mannered."


01. OOC STUFF. Hello! My name is Fool! I am 26, and I will not write with people under the age of 21. Sorry! Nothing personal. If you follow me, I will check for your age on your blog before following back. I also like to know the person I’m writing with, so I’ll most likely dm you to talk about plots. I’m nice, I promise!

02. POTENTIAL ADULT CONTENT. As I am an adult, there is always a possibility of NSFW. Not a lot bothers me, but I will mark potentially triggering content as “tw” or “trigger warning” out of respect for my followers.

03. FOLLOWING BACK. I am mutuals only, so I won’t interact with you if you aren’t following me (mostly out of fear of bugging you). I’m super open to trying almost anything though, so shoot me a message or an ask or whatever if you’re interested in writing together! I haven’t had the occasion yet to turn someone down, however, I pretty much remain in the Star Trek universe - crossovers don’t do wonders for my motivation.

04. PERSONAL BLOGS and OCs. I am OC friendly, for sure! I don’t mind if personals follow me or interact over ask, but most times I will only follow RP blogs back.

05. DRAMA. I don’t do drama. I promise I’m a super nice person, but I hate confrontation, I hate drama, and I will remove myself immediately if I’m uncomfortable. Thanks!

06. REPLIES. I try to reply to threads within a few days. I’m still getting used to using Tumblr for roleplaying though, and my notifications haven’t worked since installing xkit, so forgive me if I miss it. I’m pretty vigilant about checking, but please tag me in responses! I write in third person, past tense.

07. TAGS. I try to tag each response with the character I’m playing, your username, and your character’s first name. If you are a multimuse, I will tag your username with your name in parenthesis like so: @intellectwithoutdiscipline (spock). I will tag all asks as ‘ask meme’ or ‘ask spock’ and all IC responses ‘spock speaks’. All ooc content will be tagged ‘ooc’.

08. SHIPPING. I am very picky about who I ship with Spock. I do not do Spirk, unfortunately, but I am an avid Spones shipper. If you are interested, please speak with me first. I'm not comfortable writing romance with just any McCoy.

personnel file


FULL NAME. S'chn T'gai Spock
RANK. Commander (during the five year mission - varies depending on verse).

DATE OF BIRTH. January 6, 2230
AGE. varies depending on verse.

GENDER. male.
PRONOUNS. he/him.
ORIENTATION. demi-sexual.
SPECIES. half-vulcan. half-human.

ASSIGNMENT. USS Enterprise NCC-1701.
OCCUPATION. first officer. chief science officer.
EDUCATION. Starfleet Academy Summa Cum Laude.


HEIGHT. 1.82 meters.
WEIGHT. 63.5 kilograms.
EYES. brown.
HAIR. black.
SKIN. pale.


FATHER: Sarek.
MOTHER: Amanda Grayson.



BODLY GO. (2266-2271) Commander Spock is assigned first officer on the USS Enterprise on its five year mission to explore new life and new civilizations.

NO MAN HAS GONE. (2273-2293) After the conclusion of the original mission, Spock initially retires from Starfleet only to make the difficult decision to return to the Enterprise and her crew.

THE CONTINUING MISSION. (2364-) Now Ambassador to Vulcan, Spock continues his work with Starfleet.

about the mun

My name is Fool! I have been RPing for over ten years (from the OG proboards/invisionfree days), and I’m a little new to Tumblr RPing. I am 26, I live in Philly, and I am an English Teacher. I give music lessons on the side. I have a few Star Trek rp blogs that I run. My personal blog is @green-blooded-computer and is mostly Spones stuff. I have a sideblog for 80s horror @monster-basher.